Should you seek a professional diagnosis? Our FREE chart will quickly help you decide.

Is my child just going through a phase?

• See the four areas of struggle facing children with ADHD and/or Autism • Learn to recognize the signs of ADHD and Autism • Find out when you should be concerned about your child's behaviors •

Use this easy to understand one-page document to...

  • See the four areas of struggle facing children with ADHD and/or Autism

  • Learn to recognize the signs of ADHD and Autism

  • Find out when you should be concerned about your child's behaviors

About the Authors

Meet Crystal Sanford, M.Ed and Cindi Britton, Ed.D

Crystal has 20 years of experience supporting families, children and young adults with unique needs. She has provided services to individuals with a variety of needs, including ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and Learning Differences. However, for the past 10 years, Autism has been her passion. In addition, she has gained hands-on experience while parenting her own daughter with High-Functioning Autism. Crystal holds an M.A. in Communicative Disorders from California State University, Northridge and an M.A. in Education from San Diego State University. When she is not supporting families of Autism or speaking life into the hearts of children and young adults, Crystal enjoys gardening, reading, and spending “non-technology” time with her husband and two daughters in San Diego, CA.

Crystal Sanford

Autism Specialist

Cindi Britton, Ed.D. is a Life Coach, Educator and ADHD Specialist. She offers over 38 years of experience as a teacher and school principal. She is also a fellow ADHD parent and can relate to the enjoyment and challenges of parenting a child with ADHD. Dr. Britton offers a variety of services including: One to One ADHD Coaching for children, teens, young adults and adults, Parent Coaching, ADHD Parent Support with Teacher Conferences and IEP/504 Meetings. She transforms insecurity into CONFIDENCE, fear into ACTION and failure into SUCCESS. Personal Life Coaching and Organizational Consulting is my second career. My first career, of over 38 years, was in K-8 public education serving as a School Principal, District Coordinator and Teacher of grades K-8 in San Diego, California. Throughout my career I have assisted others in making transitions within their career as well as transitioning to new positions as I served as a “coach” to parents, teachers and students.

Cindi Britton

ADHD Specialist

No obligation. No judgement. Just guidance from two experts who have been there, too.